We collaborate with middle and high schools to ensure that support information reaches its intended students.
We provide assistance with participation fees and transportation costs to overcome financial barriers.
Through interactive workshops, we foster self-confidence by providing enjoyable learning experiences where participants realize their own potential.
A place where local teenages can digitally play and learn with other playmates in a physical place like a "secret base" outside of school and home.
students/teenagers experience programming and IT while having fun, and we make it easier to connect them with support.
students/teenagers grasp the opportunity to change their lives through three months of programming learning and career education.
Tech Runway and Tech Runway Camp graduates have the option to learn more specialized content over three months.
students/teenagers acquire specialized skills tailored to existing IT services in three months and prepare for employment.
students/teenagers leverage their learning and practical experiences to move towards independence, including advancing to higher education or employment, and internships or part-time work at IT companies.
Programming Experience Workshop
Tech Runway
Tech Runway+